
Gifted and Talented Education (G.A.T.E.)

The Gifted and Talented Education program is provided for identified students with exceptional learning abilities in the 4th - 6th grades. The program consists of pull-out activities and challenge opportunities within the classroom. Learning activities emphasize higher level thinking skills and creativity.

Health Services

A district nurse is on campus about once a week and spends most of their time coordinating medication needs for students, completing required screening in vision and hearing, and maintaining appropriate protocols for students with existing medical needs. We also have a part-time Health Clerk to support students with minor health issues and injuries. For these reasons, it is more important than ever to ask parents to cooperate in keeping your child at home if they are not feeling well. Office staff will assist to the best of our abilities and contact parents to pick up ill children.


Springbrook is fortunate to have a substantial collection of books and other media housed in our Library Media Center. The collection is increased each year through proceeds from Book Fairs, grants, PTA support, and Birthday Book donations. Every class visits the Library weekly to learn library skills, enjoy research activities, and check out books. Fines will be charged for lost library books.

innovation lab

Springbrook’s Innovation Lab is a dedicated educational STEAM space for students to explore, build, innovate and tinker. Our mission is to encourage active learning and problem solving, and create a spark of interest to open up a new world to them. Students engage in science, engineering, technology, math and art with project-based learning experiences that will better prepare them for the 21st century.

English Language Learners (E.L.L.)

Those students at Springbrook whose first language is other than English are eligible to receive assistance as they acquire skills. The program follows a plan developed during conference week with the parent and classroom teacher. Frequently, an instructional assistant is available to assist with student support and instruction.


Springbrook houses an alternative program for the district, an Elementary Montessori. This program is based on Maria Montessori’s philosophy of education and follows the Montessori curriculum, as well as meeting California Content Standards. The annual Montessori Information Night and application process occur each year in February. Enrollment in this program is conducted by lottery from January through March.

Please contact the school office for more detailed information about enrollment if you are interested in the programs.

Title 1

Title I federal funds are allocated to schools based on economic indicators for the school population. Springbrook has received Title I funds since the 1997- 98 school year. The funds are targeted to specific students whose academic achievement is not proficient based on the CAASPP assessment or district established criteria. Those identified students, with parental permission, receive additional assistance during the school day, after school, and/or during the summer. The instruction is provided by classroom teachers or instructional assistants. Portions of the funds are also used to purchase specific learning materials or staff development to increase teacher competency working with at-risk learners. Parents, staff, and students sign a School Compact to support strong academic growth.

See Quicklinks for policy documents.

Specialized Academic Instruction/Special Day Class Programs

This program is designed to assist children who demonstrate significant deficits in academic skills. A student can qualify for this program by demonstrating a specific learning disability or a significant discrepancy between ability and achievement. After a student is identified as qualifying for this program, an individualized educational program is designed to assist the student to make reasonable academic gains utilizing strengths and remediating weaknesses. This program is designed and implemented by our support staff.

Speech and Language Program

The Speech and Language Specialist is available to diagnose and provide therapy/service for students who demonstrate difficulty in speech, language development, and language-based skills. Students who qualify for this program have an Individualized Educational Plan designed for them and received individual or small-group assistance as appropriate from the support staff. Psychological Services The school psychologist is at Springbrook four days per week to provide assistance for behavioral, social/emotional, and cognitive problems of students. Diagnosis of student needs, counseling/guidance for students and parents, and consultation to staff are among the available services provided by the school psychologist.

After School Learning Opportunities

Irvine Unified School District, cooperatively with PTA, provides the After Class Enrichment Program (ACE) to interested students. The classes offer a wide range of activities and curriculum, from fine arts, to basic skills. The classes are taught either by Springbrook teachers or other instructors hired by ACE and are available for reasonable fees.