Springbrook Elementary
655 Springbrook N,
Irvine, CA 92614
Fax: (949) 936-6059
Attendance: (949) 936-6051
Attendance Matters
Attendance takes a commitment from everyone. As we start the year, I ask that you make a commitment to attend school every day to take advantage of the amazing year we have planned at Springbrook. With your focus on making sure that your child is at school every day, they will stay current on work, maintain enriching relationships with staff, and continue to flourish in our school community. Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism contribute to school anxiety, poor performance, and poor habits that will impact your child’s success now and in future years. I know that by working together, we can set the tone for an amazing year.
Attendance will be taken first thing in the morning. The IUSD School District policy is that all absences must be verified, so if a student is absent from school, it is important that the school is notified using the 24 hour phone line, 7 days a week. The number is (949) 936-6051. Please leave a message each day the student is absent by 8:00 AM, with the student’s name, teacher’s name and the reason for the absence.
The office will follow up with an automated message for those students not notifying the school. All unverified absences will be unexcused and marked with a “U”.