School Rules

School Rules

Students’ behavior is consistent with Our SEAL Motto:

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Ready

We believe that behavioral expectations should be taught and reviewed often throughout the school year. The SEAL Motto will be taught in a school assembly and in many contexts such as: playground, bathrooms, front of school, hallways, lunch tables, lunch line, library, Innovation Lab, and MPR. Teachers and students will also apply the SEAL Motto to classroom routines.  The SEAL Motto will be implemented consistently and students will be rewarded for positive behavior with a SEAL Ticket. These tickets can be exchanged for prizes and privileges. The Seal Motto is celebrated and shared with all students, teachers, instructional assistants, office staff, playground supervisors, and parent volunteers.

Other pro-social efforts are given through our counseling program. All students will receive lessons from Second Step curriculum.  Selected students may meet with the counselor for friendship groups, and social skill development with the parents’ permission. Students who need extra support and behavior management are referred to the principal with an Office Discipline Referral (ODR) Parents will be notified and together, we will work to improve behavior at school. The districts’ No Tolerance Policies are also in effect and can result in suspension and expulsion. No Tolerance Policies are posted in each classroom and on the website.

Bullying and other behavioral issues should be reported promptly to the yard supervisors and/or classroom teacher.  An investigation will be conducted and students will be interviewed.  The results of any investigation are confidential and retaliation against victims and/or witnesses will not be tolerated.


Parents and students, please click here to review the IUSD policy regarding civility. This policy promotes mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among district employees, parents, and the public.