Safety & Emergency Info


We schedule regular drills to teach children appropriate safety actions in the event of an emergency. Students are taught to evacuate the building when the fire alarms rings and to "duck, cover, and hold" to protect themselves in other emergencies, such as an earthquake. The school is equipped with First Aid supplies and Search & Rescue supplies, many of which have been purchased by PTA. In addition, many staff members are trained in CPR and First Aid and have specific responsibilities in the event of an emergency. In the event that students are to be released from school, access to students will be controlled until we have accounted for each child. Parents must meet the office staff and request their child then sign out according to procedures. Our school is fully prepared to deal with a major emergency and to provide for the physical and emotional needs of students and their orderly and safe release. In the event of an emergency, we will use our automated phone system to reach you. Please make sure your phone contacts are up-to-date in our system.

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Parking Lot Etiquette

PARKING LOT SAFETYOur school parking lot and the surrounding streets are very congested
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Pickup and Drop Off Procedures

Safety at Drop-off and Pick-upsSafety is our primary concern at Springb