In cooperation with the Irvine Police Department and the Traffic Engineering Division of the City of Irvine, we have identified a SUGGESTED ROUTE TO SCHOOL for children who walk or ride bicycles to school. We strongly encourage you to review the plan with your child and, if possible, walk the route to make sure he/she understands the route
In the City of Irvine, bicycles may be legally ridden on sidewalks, but must yield to pedestrian traffic. Students on bicycles should always walk their bicycles across streets and look both ways before entering the street. Students who ride their bicycles within the on-street bicycle lanes are required to obey all the rules of the road. This includes riding in the same direction as vehicular traffic. All bikes must be locked in the bike racks located in the front of the school.
Springbrook Elementary School is served by Crossing Guards to assist children when crossing at Chenile & Springbrook and E. Yale Loop & Springbrook. When the Guard is on duty, the children are to obey the Guard's instructions.
Suggested Route to School (Printable PDF)